FREE GAMES Kill Switch

Refreshing experience to stumble upon a game with little-to-no fanfare only to discover that it's more fun than you originally bargained for. Of course during our busiest of seasons, it's not really that unique of an occurrence, but it doesn't take away from the fact that we get an oh-so pleasant feeling each and every time that it happens. Such is the case with Namco's intense military shooter kill.switch; a futuristic polar opposite of popular titles like Splinter Cell and Metal Gear Solid.

Best described as a mix between the Guy Pierce motion picture Memento and a solo version of EA's Freedom Fighters, kill.switch has an interesting and compelling premise: that is, to take a one man commando and use him to start a devastating and all-encompassing global conflict. As you progress through the game's six missions and 15 different stages, more and more information about your rewired hi-tech soldier becomes available to you; presented through a bizarrely-directed flashback that reveals a longer piece of what really happened each time you see it. Needless to say, things are definitely not what they seem.

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